• Fund a Project

  • Fund a Projects

    We always need of additional funding for life changing projects. Without additional funding from our supporters, We would not be able to continue our projects.

    If you would like to consider supporting an Islamic Aid project, please contact us on mail@islamicaid.com

    Many of our donors who support our work choose to donate to our general funds which allows us to use their donation wherever it’s needed most.

  • Fund projects to provide a better future to our new generation

    To provide a better future to our new generation. We have to provide them three things pure drinking water, proper food and a next class education.

    But some childs lives in the villages which are far from cities and There, pure drinking water and proper food is not availaible.

    Were these villages are close to the cities, But there are no schools and colleges so there cildren have to come to the cities but they don't have enough money because of unemployment.

    More than 163 million people can't drink clean water, More than 56% population of indian's can't eat proper food and More than 8.4cr people can't afford the education for there child's.

    Our project is to make school's and colleges were necesary, Provide free education to all the people, Providing jobs to the villagers, Providing land, seeds and pesticides to the farmers prevent, Dig wells were necesary, Make ponds to store rainwater.

    But this can't be possible by only us, This will take the help of all our supporters so please donate to these people and be the one who changed the lives of millions of cildren's. You can also fund a project.

  • Fund projects to provide a better future to our new generation


Ways to give